Although if the situation lasts or income increases, it will also be necessary to register with Social Security. If this situation occurs, it is advisable to first unsubscribe from the Treasury, wait a reasonable time, and then register again with both institutions. So, what are the alternative options to signing up for RETA? As previously mentioned, there is the possibility of registering only with the Treasury as long as the activity is partial and there is a contract as a salaried worker.
Before considering other options, it is necessary to remember that, with the entry into force of Law 6/2017, of October 24, on Urgent Self-Employment Reforms, since buy email database January 2018, new self-employed workers who have not previously been registered as self-employed workers pay a monthly fee of approximately.
During the first three years of activity, they can choose an IRPF of only 7% on the sales they make (obviously, the latter only applies if the client is a company or company). There are also reduced quotas in case of double activity, disability, family reconciliation, etc. It is advisable to find out about these benefits in case the interested party is in a special situation.